Ageism consultation
Consultation has concluded
About this consultation
The Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum (FPT Seniors Forum) has launched a consultation on ageism. We are looking to better understand and address the negative impacts of ageism towards older adults in Canada.
Share your thoughts and experience
We want to hear your views on ageism! To participate, complete the questionnaire in the first tab below.
If you or someone you know has been affected by ageism, please also share your story in the online forum (second tab below). If you prefer, you can email it to us privately at
The deadline to complete the questionnaire and submit a story is October 31, 2022.
Your perspectives, experiences and stories will help us kick-start an important conversation on ageism and the misconceptions about aging in Canada.
Understanding ageism
The World Health Organization defines ageism as:
- The stereotypes (how we think)
- Prejudice (how we feel)
- Discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age
Ageism exists in all aspects of society. People may experience ageism at the same time as other forms of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, ability and ethnicity. Ageism is often overlooked. As a result, age related stigma and discrimination is often tolerated instead of addressed.
You can provide your feedback by completing our questionnaire below, which explores ageism in five theme areas:
- Employment
- Health and Health Care
- Social Inclusion
- Safety and Security
- Media and Social Media
As the COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on ageism towards older adults, we are also seeking your thoughts on how you think the pandemic may have impacted ageism.
For more information on this consultation, please read our Discussion Guide on Ageism in Canada. A summary is also available for a brief overview of the guide.
Together, we can work to reduce ageism and its effects on older Canadians and society in general.
Thank you.
On behalf of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group on Ageism