Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy

This consultation ran from February to August 2017. The goal was to speak with Canadians about reducing poverty. The ideas and stories shared will help inform the development of the Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy.

See the “What we heard” report for summaries of the discussions that took place.

Poverty is complex. The Government of Canada is reaching out to find ways to work together to reduce poverty in Canada and develop a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy.

We want to hear from you on how the Government of Canada, along with other levels of government, organizations and our communities, can better address poverty across the country.

Join the conversation! Together, we can ensure that all Canadians have the opportunity to meet their potential and support their families and communities.

Talk about specific issues in the discussion forum, take our survey on existing programs or share your personal story.

We invite you to read the Towards a Poverty Reduction Strategy discussion paper and backgrounder before submitting your views.

Discussion Forum
Share your Story
Survey for Individuals Survey for Organizations

Poverty is complex. The Government of Canada is reaching out to find ways to work together to reduce poverty in Canada and develop a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy.

We want to hear from you on how the Government of Canada, along with other levels of government, organizations and our communities, can better address poverty across the country.

Join the conversation! Together, we can ensure that all Canadians have the opportunity to meet their potential and support their families and communities.

Talk about specific issues in the discussion forum, take our survey on existing programs or share your personal story.

We invite you to read the Towards a Poverty Reduction Strategy discussion paper and backgrounder before submitting your views.

Discussion Forum
Share your Story
Survey for Individuals Survey for Organizations