The Solution: Working Together
By Donia Arfaoui
Category: 18 to 24 years old
(Translated from French text)
Our country bases its hopes on youth,
but that doesn’t mean it leaves out older people. In fact, the opposite is
true, because they are the ones who have experience and can train us youth to
continue what they started, because they also continued what their predecessors
started. By working together, we can develop a solution to reduce poverty in
Canada. Young and old people alike must work together to address this scourge.
That is why the plan I am proposing to reduce poverty in Canada calls for
people of all generations to participate and is made up of three components.
First, we must raise awareness among youth. To do this, I suggest holding
interactive conferences and awareness workshops in schools across Canada to
empower youth. Youth have to understand that the passion and motivation to get
out of poverty have to come from themselves. Most of all, youth have to realize
their full potential, because when they believe in themselves, they are willing
and able to get out of poverty. Second, we need to provide youth with training
and work experience. Youth should be offered paid internships regardless of
their past or present so they can have a better future. Many youth are afraid
to look for a job because of events in their personal life that deeply affected
them either physically or psychologically. So they fear that these events or
their lasting effects will jeopardize their work. If we give youth more
opportunity to learn and gain experience in the workplace, poverty will decline
because youth are the future of our country. Third, we must recognize
immigrants’ diplomas. When they arrive in Canada, many immigrants are unable to
work in the same field they did at home because their diplomas are not
recognized. They have to spend a long time doing training or completely redo
their education, but without the time or money to do this, they work low-paying
jobs and live in poor neighbourhoods. To fix this, we should recognize their
diplomas or equivalencies to reduce the time and cost of their training, which
would allow them to earn higher salaries and reduce poverty in Canada. In
closing, to reduce poverty in Canada, we must all work together and believe in
the potential of every one of us.
Thank you to everyone
who submitted their creative ideas to help us #ReducePoverty in Canada!