Social Innovation & Social Finance Strategy

Consultation has concluded

The Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group of experts and leading social innovators, with the Government of Canada, is co-creating a strategy to improve and strengthen our communities and regions through social innovation and social finance.

To better inform the development of the Strategy, the Steering Group has launched an online consultation to hear about new and innovative ideas in communities and regions across Canada.

We want to enable and support communities and organizations to advance new and innovative approaches to persistent social problems.

The overall goal is to improve the lives of the most vulnerable Canadians, and help our communities and regions thrive and flourish in an inclusive and sustainable way. This means helping all Canadians access good jobs and homes, healthy food and strong social connections.

If you’re interested in learning more about this engagement, we invite you to read the Consultation Document.

We invite you to provide a written or visual submission of your ideas by email, using following email address:

The Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group of experts and leading social innovators, with the Government of Canada, is co-creating a strategy to improve and strengthen our communities and regions through social innovation and social finance.

To better inform the development of the Strategy, the Steering Group has launched an online consultation to hear about new and innovative ideas in communities and regions across Canada.

We want to enable and support communities and organizations to advance new and innovative approaches to persistent social problems.

The overall goal is to improve the lives of the most vulnerable Canadians, and help our communities and regions thrive and flourish in an inclusive and sustainable way. This means helping all Canadians access good jobs and homes, healthy food and strong social connections.

If you’re interested in learning more about this engagement, we invite you to read the Consultation Document.

We invite you to provide a written or visual submission of your ideas by email, using following email address:

Tell your story

To help shape our strategy, we want to hear your stories about innovative practices taking place in communities and regions across Canada.

Have you seen or done something new, innovative or creative in your community or workplace to address a social problem? Have you seen any improvements that you think are worth sharing?

Share yours!


Please avoid using peoples’ names and the names of other organizations, in order to respect federal privacy laws. In these cases, please use more general names such as “my boss,” “our local food bank,” “our school” and so on.

We encourage you to submit a document, photo or video, to share your ideas, success stories or anything else you feel might be helpful.

Selected stories may be posted on this site, or used in other Government of Canada communications activities.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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  • Home and Local Jobs

    by we can, about 7 years ago


    my name is mohammad hossein akbarnezhad 

    I'm from iran

    I have ideas , To start working with small funds , Making money for hard-working youth , To avoid unemploymentJobs with the possibility of development and expansion They are in groups:AgricultureBirds breedingAnimal husbandryAquaculturehoney productionAnd....I have good experiences in these fields in IranAnd if you wish , I can suggest themWishing   Success for the youth